
Debug Logging

--debug option enables the debug logging of Jaffle itself.

$ jaffle start --debug

Each app has its own log-level setting. You can set it in jaffle.hcl.

app "myapp" {
  # ...

  logger {
    level = "debug"

You can also set the log-level using a variable like this.

variable "myapp_log_level" {
  default = "info"

app "myapp" {
  # ...

  logger {
    level = "${var.myapp_log_level}"

You can switch the log-level by providing the value as an environment variable.

$ T_VAR_myapp_log_level=debug jaffle start

The command-line argument --variables is also avilable to do the same thing.

$ jaffle start --variables='["myapp_log_level=debug"]'

Jaffle Console

jaffle console allows you to open an interactive shell and attaches the session into the running kernel. You can inspect or set variables of running apps in it.

$ jaffle console my_kernel