
The app block configures a Jaffle app which will be launched in a kernel. The name next to app keyword will be the variable name in the kernel and will be accessed from other configuration blocks. The name must be valid in an IPython kernel.


app "pytest" {
  class  = ""
  kernel = "py_kernel"

  options {
    args = ["-s", "-v", "--color=yes"]

    auto_test = [

    auto_test_map {
      "my_module/**/*.py" = "my_module/tests/{}/test_{}.py"


  • class (str | required)

    The class name of the Jaffle app. It must begin with the top-level module name. e.g.: "".

  • kernel (str | required)

    The kernel in which the app is instantiated. The specified kernel must be defined in a kernel block.

  • start (str | optional | default: null)

    Python code to be executed just after the app is instanticated in a kernel.

  • logger (logger | optional | default: {})

    The app logger configuration.

  • options (map | optional | default: {})

    options will be passed to the app initializer (__init__() method) as keyword arguments. The format of options depends on each app.