jaffle start

Starts Jaffle.

Type ctrl-c to stop it.


jaffle start [options] [conf_file, ...]

The default value for conf_file is "jaffle.hcl".

If multiple config files are provided, they will be merged into one configuration.


  • –debug

    Set log level to logging.DEBUG (maximize logging output)

  • -y

    Answer yes to any questions instead of prompting.

  • –disable-color

    Disable color output.

  • –log-level=<Enum> (Application.log_level)

    Default: 30

    Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, ‘DEBUG’, ‘INFO’, ‘WARN’, ‘ERROR’, ‘CRITICAL’) Set the log level by value or name.

  • –log-datefmt=<Unicode> (Application.log_datefmt)

    Default: ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’

    The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s

  • –log-format=<Unicode> (Application.log_format)

    Default: ‘%(time_color)s%(asctime)s.%(msecs).03d%(time_color_end)s %(name_color)s%(name)14s%(name_color_end)s %(level_color)s %(levelname)1.1s %(level_color_end)s %(message)s’

    The Logging format template

  • –runtime-dir=<Unicode> (BaseJaffleCommand.runtime_dir)

    Default: ‘.jaffle’

    Runtime directory path.

  • –variables=<List> (JaffleStartCommand.variables)

    Default: []

    Value assignments to the variables.

Merging Multiple Configurations

If you provide multiple configuration files, Jaffle read the first file and then merges the rest one by one. Maps are merged deeply and other elements are overwritten.

Given that we have the following three configurations.


process "server" {
  command = "start_server"
  env = {
    FOO = 1


process "server" {
  command = "start_server"
  env = {
    BAR = 2


process "server" {
  command = "start_server"
  env = {
    FOO = 4
    BAZ = 3

When we start Jaffle by typing jaffle start a.hcl b.hcl c.hcl, the configuration will be as below:

process "server" {
  command = "start_server"
  env = {
    FOO = 4
    BAR = 2
    BAZ = 3

Resolved variables are passed to the later configurations. Given that we have the following two configurations and use them as jaffle start a.hcl b.hcl.


variable "server_command" {
  default = "start_server"

variable "disable_server" {
  default = false

process "server" {
  command  = "${var.server_command}"
  disabled = "${var.disable_server}"


variable "disable_server" {
  default = true # switch the default value to true

process "server" {
  command  = "${var.server_command} --debug"
  disabled = "${var.disable_server}" # this line is required to set true

The merged configuration will be:

process "server" {
  command  = "server_start --debug"
  disabled = true

Note that the line disabled = "${var.disable_server}" in b.hcl is required because the same line in a.hcl is already resolved as disabled = false before evaluating b.hcl.


The configuration merging is useful when you have a default configuration in your repository and you want to overwrite some part of it.


$ jaffle start jaffle.hcl debug.hcl log_filter.hcl